Lisa's Gathering

Lisa's Gathering
Lisa's nephew Micheal, wife Nancy, sons Mathew and William invite you to remember Lisa. Bring your best memories and stories to share. Everyone is welcome please spread the word.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

For Lisa - from Ted Heimerdinger

"When the poems were coming, they were easy.  Lisa was easy to poem to."- TH

For Lisa    (9/14/11)

Tonight I remember all the things
I've done and not done today.
I washed two of my Mt. Olive Jumbo Pickle jars,
So big they could be houses for toads,
Snakes and lizards…
I use them for compost.
It can take me months to empty the jar,
To eat the pickles,
But I can’t resist buying…
And it’s a good deal on pickles.
I put up the two sliding screens to the balcony.
Lots of WD-40 for the wheels.
Now I can let the cats out there at night
Where they can be hypnotized by the bats;
Just hope Pantha doesn’t do a swan dive
Down to the Black-eyed Susans.
Zippy is much too fat and way too sedate.
I didn’t give blood, missed a precinct meeting,
Didn’t take my weekly hike.
My parsley is going off,
And the half bushel of peaches
In the fridge, needs to be used.

Then I thought of you working so hard
To spray paint the fiberglass columns…
Was it for Aida or Thais?
You were learning how
To spray with a Binks Air Gun
And you did,
With care and love and passion.

Ó  2011  ted heimerdinger

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